Lamp Aan
Online strategy

A successful website starts with a clear strategy

What is your online strategy?

We help you optimally align your online strategy with your objectives and target groups. By asking the right questions to the right people. This requires close cooperation with openness and trust in each other's knowledge and expertise. In clear steps and with interactive sessions, we set a clear course.

The Basic Orange team helped us very professionally in building a new website and we are very satisfied with the result. Basic Orange regularly comes up with suggestions for further improvements. The new website fits much better with who we are and what we want to radiate.
Henri van Luenen Director of Operations Netherlands Cancer Institute

Who is your target audience?

An optimal experience at every stage of the customer journey is not a coincidence, but a design choice. To do this, you put yourself in your customer's shoes. What are they called? What kind of job do they have? What roles do they fulfil, what is the underlying motivation and what characteristics and content do they want to see on your site? These qualitative descriptions of customer profiles are called personas.

Defining your personas is something we do together, in so-called persona sessions. Thanks to good preparation with the help of our questionnaire and checklist, we can come up with an extensive target group description with just one session.

The customer journey as a basis

The customer journey is the entire process that the customer goes through before they buy and use a product or service. This process includes all your customer's contact moments with the organisation and the product or service, whether physically, online or in any other way.

We record this customer journey together with you, with which we provide insight into these contact moments, also known as touchpoints, per phase. Underlying emotions, target groups, channels, important moments, characteristics, KPIs, etc., are all taken into account. An important aspect here is that you look at these journeys from a customer perspective and not so much from the organisation itself. This is the only way you can accurately map out and meet your customer's expectations.


Do you want to know how we can optimally translate your online strategy to your objectives and target groups?

I would like to tell you more about it.

Maarten Dirksen Director
Our customers

We work on online strategy for