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Basic Orange knowledge tip #11

A difference of night and day

Basic Orange knowledge tip #11

What is the best time to send your newsletter?

Did you know that sometimes the timing of an email is even more important than the content of the email? Because no matter how good your newsletter is, if the reader doesn't open the email (or opens it at the wrong time), it can have a negative effect on your conversion. And one thing's for sure:  if your email arrives when your reader happens to be looking in his or her inbox , your email is most likely to be opened.


The perfect time to ship

Is there a perfect constant time to send your emails? No, unfortunately not. This differs per situation, per target group. On the other hand, you can get a grip on the right shipping time. Take a close look at your content, respond to general statistics and most importantly: test!

The right content at the right time

For example, a study by Spotler shows that for the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry, Saturday is by far the best shipping day. Here, the click-through rate is almost three times as high as on other days. Apparently, this is the day of the week that the Dutch like to buy detergents, toiletries, light bulbs, etc.


On Saturdays, the click-through rate (CTR) is almost 3 times higher for consumer goods (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).

So take a close look at your target audience and the type of content in the mailing. When does your target audience need this the most? At what point are they most likely to take the next step? You can ask your readers for this information personally.

Gather information

A good way to gather information is through an A/B test. Split your audience and send your email on different days and times. The more often you run the test, the more reliable the result. In addition, make sure you keep repeating the test. The behaviour of your target group can change. They may now be active on Thursdays at 17:30, but next year it will be at a completely different time.

General research on best time to ship

Prefer to look for a general idea of the best shipping time? According to statistics, the opening rate for both the B2B sector and the B2C sector is highest on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This effect would be strongest in the evening. So try out those times and see what it does for your results!

This tip is part of Basic Orange's series of practical online knowledge tips . Stay informed of all developments via our Facebook or LinkedIn channel.


Do you want to know more about the right time to send your newsletter?

Feel free to contact me!

Wessel Haaxman Google expert / optimizisator at Basic Orange
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