
6 Useful Tips for the Perfect Email

6 tips for the perfect email #7

Optimize your email marketing!

Did you know that research shows that 59% of Dutch people made an online purchase after reading a mailing? This proves the power of email marketing. At the Spotler Connect event and through the SchrijvenvoorhetBrein we have gained learnings that we would like to share with you. Here are six tips for setting up your email marketing optimally!


6 Useful Tips

  1. Have a good subject line
    Did you know that more than 82% of emails remain unopened? As a result, you will never achieve the maximum result. A good subject line is the first thing the recipient sees and therefore determines your Open Ratio. Tip: Think about the added value your email offers to your recipient. This is the main reason they will open your email and therefore important to clearly state in the title.
    And don't forget the snippet: a 1-line summary of what your newsletter is about. Immediately visible in your e-mail program, so that the recipient is alerted to the content in advance.

  2. Make sure you have an active persuasive text. Again, find out what added value your product or service has for the reader and incorporate these answers into your text. But a good text about your product or service is not enough. How do you persuade your reader to take action? Also use the Cialdini persuasion principles* in your e-mails. Or also consult chatGPT for good text suggestions taking these principles into account!

  3. Personalize your emails
    The more relevant the content is to your user, the higher the conversion. A simple personalisation such as "Best first name" in the subject line or in the salutation will make your reader feel good. The more you show that you know your reader, the better. Let this be reflected in the content for a big effect on your results!

  4. Make use of segmentation, links and data enrichment
    Want to go one step further? With the help of segmentation and data enrichment, you can actually offer personalised content. With segmentation, for example, you can filter the right target group from your CRM file based on characteristics.
    Through links with your CRM or POS system , you know more about your customers.
    For example, do you see through the POS software that a specific customer is interested in a certain type of product, say running clothes? Please send a follow-up email with more running accessories or discount codes for these types of products in the future.
    You already know a lot about your customers, but through data enrichment you can gather even more useful information. For example, simply ask recipients of the welcome email about their preferences in the form of a 'complete your account' button. Of course, it helps if there is an incentive in return. Success guaranteed!

  5. Use lead generation ads to grow your email base
    How can you grow your email base? Of course, your website already has a newsletter sign-up form. But you can use a pop-up to draw visitors' attention to your newsletter. You can reach really new potential subscribers through Social Lead Generation Ads via Google Ads, LinkedIn and Facebook. These Ads immediately show the target group you selected an advertisement on social media, with a form in which they can, for example, answer a few questions and leave their e-mail. This is quick to set up, very user-friendly for the consumer and immediately results in more leads. You can link the collected data to your CRM or email database.

  6. Save time with MarketingAutomation
    What other tools can you use? Use the exit intend. When visitors want to leave your website, you can use a pop-up on your newsletter sign-up form to draw their attention to a nice discount for the product pages that were last viewed. After signing up, they will automatically receive a welcome email with a discount code. This can be set up, for example, via Spotler Campaigns.

7 Cialdini* principles of persuasion

Cialdini is a former professor of psychology and marketing and became known worldwide through the book 'Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion' from 1984. You can easily apply them via the checklist on the right of 'Schrijven voorhetbrein' .

The 7 principles of persuasion are:

  1. Mutuality
  2. Sympathy
  3. Social proof
  4. Authority
  5. Scarcity
  6. Commitment and Consistency
  7. Unit

Do you want to know how we can optimally apply this tip for your email marketing?

I would like to tell you more about it.

Wessel Haaxman Optimiser