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Basic Orange knowledge tip #20

Here's what's in store for you in 2023

Basic Orange knowledge tip #20

The Top 5 Online Trends for 2023

It's time again for the annual trend lists: what are the most important online trends for 2023? We have filtered the top 5 trends from various sources that you can use for your website and online marketing. It promises to be a great year!

  1. Artificial intelligence
  2. Micro animations
  3. Dark Mode
  4. Snackable, short videos
  5. Gen Z


Trend 1: Artificial intelligence is here to stay

'AI is here' and will take off in a big way. Ask a question and the ChatGPT will give you a ready-made answer! With historical facts, a nice explanation and practical examples! Even programming questions can answer the chat. How can you use this Artificial Intelligence chat tool? For example, for writing a blog article: ChatGTP will have created a beautiful article for you in no time. Normally it will take you at least a few hours! Of course, you have to keep thinking for yourself: not all of ChatGPT's answers are correct (about 5% is incorrect). But that's manageable. Even more applications of AI: integrate a chatbot on your website so that your searches and customer questions are provided with an appropriate answer with the help of AI and customer service is also relieved.


Trend 2: Micro animations make your website lively

Of course, we are already familiar with animations, but 'micro animations', small subtle movements, make for a lively website. Think, for example, of scrolling backgrounds or elements, or a squiggly arrow to underline the call-to-action. Through the movement, the attention of the visitor is consciously (or unconsciously) attracted. Also, animated animations can accentuate the information about the product or service. What possibilities does your site have for micro animations and where can you use it to increase your conversion?


Trend 3: Dark mode

Most websites have a light background. Lately, Dark Mode has been gaining ground: it provides a quiet, user-friendly experience, is better for the battery life of modern devices, and takes into account your visitor's different preferences. Also, dark sites have a luxurious and modern look. The various browsers have been offering a dark mode option for some time now, which translates your entire website into a dark version. Do you want to make sure that everything in Dark Mode shows well? Then it is advisable to build this into the stylesheet of your site and offer it as an option to your visitor, for example in the top menu.


Trend 4: Snackable, short-form videos

Video has been an important trend for some time, but partly due to the success of social media apps such as Tiktok and Instagram (reels), short video (up to 60 seconds) is extremely popular. Youtube is also responding to this trend with 'Youtube shorts'. And in advertisements, both in offline billboards and in App campaigns, you can see this trend. Short 'snackable videos' are shared significantly more often and have a higher conversion rate. How do you translate this 'short video trend' to your organisation? As a theatre, show the best one-liner, or the most beautiful moves on your performance pages. Or do you give a 10 second preview of your product or service?


Trend 5: It's a GEN Z world

Gen Z (the generation that follows Generation Y, or the Millennials) is the generation that has grown up in a world with the internet. Say between 1997 and 2012. They are always online, as it were fused with their mobile devices. They are also known as Z-ombiegeneration: staring at the mobile phone, unaware of the real environment around them. But this generation is also well-educated, innovative, social and familiar with the large amounts of digital data. Gen Z loves dynamic and visual platforms, and find the answers to their questions and everything they need online. What kind of opportunities does this trend offer for your site? Think of concise, relevant content, with a high level of authenticity, which is easily found through optimal SEO and provided with a strong visual presentation.

And apply the four trends described above immediately because they are made for them!

Sources / Further Reading:

This tip is part of Basic Orange's series of practical online knowledge tips . Stay informed of all developments via our Facebook or LinkedIn channel.


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Lakhsmi Sewnath User Experience designer at Basic Orange
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